3 Spies, 3 Lord Mayors & Gilford Law From The Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office London

Gilford Law became Director-General of the London Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in 2021. Subsequently Law has posed for photographs with each of the three men who have been Lord Mayor of London since he took up his post and he’s participated in their local authority events. Meanwhile, as recent spy stories splashed across the international press illustrate, this Economic and Trade Office has run amok harassing Hong Kong pro-democracy activists who had settled in the UK. Worse still, one of those apparently paid by the Economic and Trade Office to carry out this intimidation was also a City of London Police special constable – a member of a force overseen by the local council headed by the Lord Mayor of London.

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Bullying By Peter Estlin, Emma Edhem’s Support For The Erdogan Regime & Other Senior City Of London Councillor Scandals

Just two consecutive meetings of the alders of the City council have produced: a reminder of past bullying by former Alder Ian Luder; a further illustration of the sham nature of the prevalent business vote in the City; bullying by Alder Peter Estlin; a decision to discuss a matter of fundamental public interest in private; further overstaying in office as an alder by the last Lord Mayor Nick Lyons, after his conventional term expired three months ago; and Alder Emma Edhem standing for re-election while being a keen supporter of the Erdogan regime in Turkey, which has a dismal human rights record.

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Nick Lyons, Lord Mayor Of The City Of London, Overstays His Term In Office

Nick Lyons has stayed in office as an alderman and Lord Mayor for two months after his term of office as an alderman expired in September 2023. He apparently hoped that no-one would notice, or – if they did – would not say anything about this rule bending, given the cultish deference that many City elected members display towards those in “high” office. That hope may have been fulfilled had not Alderwoman Martha Grekos called out his casual disrespect for the rule of law.

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New Museum Of London Foundation Stone Humiliation For Lord Mayor Nick Lyons

A number of minor media outlets covered the laying of a foundation stone for the new Museum of London yesterday. What we haven’t seen mentioned is that this was a deep humiliation for Nicholas Lyons, the Lord Mayor. As shown here he’s participating in a photograph documenting the laying of a foundation stone bearing the name of Christopher Hayward, the Policy Chair of the City of London council. The fact that Lyons’ name isn’t on the stone shows how emasculated the role of Lord Mayor – nominally the head of the City council – has become in recent decades. In 50 years’ time, though, no-one will know or care who either of them were… like all foundation stones, this one is a monument to human vanity.

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Lord Mayor Nicholas Lyons Tries & Fails To Intimidate City Councillor Marianne Fredericks

We have for some time heard reports about Nick Lyons sending a threatening and bullying message to a woman councillor in his own ward. We reproduce in this post that message, her reply, a further exchange and his eventual apology, all of which were sent to members of the City council. Our view is that his behaviour belongs to a past age, as does the City council generally. It’s time to empty this barrel of rotten apples into the rubbish bin of history. The various conflicting functions of the City council would all be more competently discharged by various other bodies. The office of Lord Mayor could be abolished without anyone being worse off as a result, as Lyons has demonstrated.

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No Knighthood For Vincent Keaveny – Until Now It Was Standard To Award One To Former Lord Mayors

Vincent Keaveny has become only the second Lord Mayor of the City of London to miss out on the traditional knighthood and instead receive the lesser award of a CBE, the first being Ian Luder more than a decade ago. This may reflect a new approach by those deciding on honours awards, which is that spending a year eating a lot of lunches and dinners and reading speeches written by staff – in short, being Lord Mayor – doesn’t deserve a knighthood / damehood. In fact, it’s hard to make a rational case for a Lord Mayor deserving any honour, especially when the lowest award – the BEM – is often conferred on people who have done voluntary work for decades rather than a single year, don’t have staff to do practically everything for them and often work in uncongenial circumstances, like selling poppies in November instead of proposing toasts beneath the chandeliers of Mansion House. The easy acquisition of undeserved honours is one of many indicators of moral malaise within the City of London Corporation. The fact that honours now seem harder to get is a sign that this institution is beginning to lose its mystique. When that mystique goes, so too will the Corporation, as it relies on spin to survive. When viewed objectively, its various conflicting public and private functions would all be much better done by various other bodies.

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City Of London Solstice Round Up: Michael Snyder, Chris Hayward, Luis Tilleria & A Cast Of Cronies

Council leader Chris Hayward’s defence of the outrageously poor value for money the Golden Key event represents was absurd but it fits into a long standing pattern of council vanity spending and rhetoric. What really puzzled some of those following City of London council politics recently were Hayward’s antics at the policy & resources committee meeting of 15 December 2022. This meeting saw the awarding of Asset of Community Value (ACV) status to Simpsons Tavern but not St Brides Tavern, offering the former some protection from developers but not the latter.

Read more "City Of London Solstice Round Up: Michael Snyder, Chris Hayward, Luis Tilleria & A Cast Of Cronies"

Alastair King and Andrew Marsden Winners In Rigged City Of London Sheriffs ‘Election’

On 24 June 2022 at the Guildhall the only candidate for the post of aldermanic sheriff, Alastair King, was ‘elected’. Likewise, Andrew Marsden was ‘elected’ non-aldermanic sheriff since there were no other candidates for that office either. In short, like every year, what took place was a fake election with the result a forgone conclusion. Given the absurd over-representation of freemasons in top posts at the City of London council, it didn’t surprise us that a quick search suggested Andrew Marsden was a big fish in the small pond of livery lodges. A page on the Shepherds Bush Lodge website not only listed Marsden as a founding master of the Wellington Livery Masters Lodge, it also featured a photo in which there is a man who looks like the newly elected non-aldermanic sheriff, with current leader of the City of London council Christopher Hayward also identifiable in the picture.

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Court Of Aldermen Split Over How To Rig Mayoral Election

The rigged and uncontested elections in the City of London, the existence of the business vote, the ridiculous number of council seats in relationship to the size of the electorate &c., are all factors that make this the UK’s last rotten borough. What the lord mayor does is lobby globally for neo-liberal policies and light regulation in order to benefit the super rich at the expense of everyone else – and this is paid for from what is ultimately public money, although the City of London lie machine constantly throws out bullshit on this and other matters it wants to obscure. Rather than having a Lord Mayor of London in 2022 and arguing about his/her/their nationality (which like their sexuality and gender pronouns should be irrelevant), this office ought to be abolished – and while we’re at it we should get rid of the business vote and the entire court of aldermen too!

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