The Financial Times Calls The City Of London Council Undemocratic: This Local Authority Will Remain That Way Until Westminster Passes Legislation To Abolish Its Business Vote

The City operates an idiosyncratic system of “corporate democracy”. At best it is flawed, at worst a recipe for abuse. A connected problem is the scant choice of candidates. For every councillor position, there are just 1.3 candidates on average, radically fewer than in London’s 32 local boroughs. The aldermanic voting system is particularly open to manipulation. An old acquaintance and former Lord Mayor once told me that one explanation for the City’s sometimes reactionary instincts is a “shadow hanging over the whole structure” of the corporation’s supposedly democratic governance, Freemasonry. Close to a third of councillors are declared masons, including the chairs of nearly all the major committees. Three-quarters of Lord Mayors over the past century have been masons.

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City Of London Corporation Leader, Chris Hayward, Tries & Fails To Defend The Council’s Lack Of Democracy, Masonic Influence & Appeasement Of Repressive Regimes

Anyone seeking a true understanding of the City of London council should watch the disastrous performance of its leader, Chris Hayward, in the question session of the full council meeting in April 2024. He tried and failed to defend the council’s lack of democracy, masonic influence and appeasement of repressive regimes. In doing so, he revealed for all to see his grubby tactics of gaslighting, evasion and smears. Ian Thomas, the Town Clerk, was again exposed as doing Hayward’s bidding instead of his highly paid job when he refused to allow a question to be put to Hayward on the ground that the 40 minute limit for questions had been reached when the council’s own recording shows that it hadn’t.

Read more "City Of London Corporation Leader, Chris Hayward, Tries & Fails To Defend The Council’s Lack Of Democracy, Masonic Influence & Appeasement Of Repressive Regimes"