Aldersgate Election of Helen Fentimen An Utter Farce

It bears repeating that every election in the City of London is an utter farce, since the electorate is so small the entire process could very easily be rigged. Yesterday (13 November 2019) Helen Fentimen won an Aldersgate election to the common council for Labour – the only party standing, the rest were ‘independents’ – with a miniscule 260 votes. Given both business votes and that top ‘elected’ posts at the council are disproportionately bagged by members of the men-only Guildhall Lodge 3116, the undersized electorate isn’t the only reason democratic reform is urgently required in this rotten borough.

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Sue Langley, Aldermen & The City of London’s Rotten Political System

Until the City of London is democratically reformed with the abolition of business votes and a reduction in the number of its councillors to a level commensurate with its residential electorate, its political system will provide an attractive target for those inclined to manipulate voting systems and seeking an easy route to power and influence. We will continue to keep an eye on upcoming City of London elections. Later this year Matthew Richardson is scheduled to step down as Billingsgate alderman. An election in that ward might well be of wider interest than the alderman contests we’ve reported in recent posts.

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