Mason Edward Goodchild, Clockwork Liveryman Jani Levanen, Plastic Man Gerard O’Sullivan & Barrister David Williams Stand In Farringdon Within City Council By-Election

On the same day as the national election in the UK on 4 July 2024, there is a local council by-election in the City of London’s Farringdon Within ward. Below we provide a rundown of the four candidates – Edward Goodchild, Jani Levanen, Gerard O’Sullivan and David Williams. All are standing as ‘independents’. There is […]

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Black Cab Ban At Bank Junction Divides City Council, But Graham Packham Is So Boring His Speech Defending It Sent Michael Hudson To Sleep

The daytime black cab ban at Bank Junction, which has been in place since 2017, has improved safety and reduced injuries and deaths. Nonetheless it is a contentious issue at the City council. A recent flurry of debate on this subject reminded us that at the end of last year, Graham Packham made one of his typically dull speeches on the matter which sent his fellow councillor Michael Hudson to sleep. Packham may be boring but we shouldn’t let that obscure the fact that he falls short when it comes to the standards we ought to expect local politicians to uphold.

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City Of London Corporation Leader, Chris Hayward, Tries & Fails To Defend The Council’s Lack Of Democracy, Masonic Influence & Appeasement Of Repressive Regimes

Anyone seeking a true understanding of the City of London council should watch the disastrous performance of its leader, Chris Hayward, in the question session of the full council meeting in April 2024. He tried and failed to defend the council’s lack of democracy, masonic influence and appeasement of repressive regimes. In doing so, he revealed for all to see his grubby tactics of gaslighting, evasion and smears. Ian Thomas, the Town Clerk, was again exposed as doing Hayward’s bidding instead of his highly paid job when he refused to allow a question to be put to Hayward on the ground that the 40 minute limit for questions had been reached when the council’s own recording shows that it hadn’t.

Read more "City Of London Corporation Leader, Chris Hayward, Tries & Fails To Defend The Council’s Lack Of Democracy, Masonic Influence & Appeasement Of Repressive Regimes"

The National Press On How The Chinese Property Crisis Could Rock The City Of London’s Foundations

We know that a fair number of the readers of this blog both come from and/or support our local authority’s Guildhall establishment, whereas others hold progressive views on the democratic reform of the City of London council – which may begin with the abolition of the business vote, but by no means ends there. Having, then, to take account of readers who are both attentive and diversely influential, we would guess that a good half of them have already read the story about the impact of the Chinese property crisis on the City of London carried by The Times earlier this month. Since this piece is of relevance to the arguments around the redevelopment/repurposing of London Wall West, we thought we’d reproduce it here for the benefit of our supporters who don’t read the right-wing press – and therefore may have missed it.

Read more "The National Press On How The Chinese Property Crisis Could Rock The City Of London’s Foundations"

Masonic City of London Council Tries To Whitewash Its Members’ Behaviour

Anyone familiar with the workings of the City of London council will recognise that an “independent” review of its members’ behaviour is following a familiar trajectory. A serious issue is first addressed in a “light touch” review by a friendly reviewer, who produces an inadequate report that downplays the seriousness of the issue. The reviewer has, though, not downplayed it quite enough for the ruling clique, who are the source of the issue, so mention in the report of masonic influence and a few negative comments need to be filtered out through a series of meetings by members who know that drawing attention to the twin elephants in the room (masonic influence and bullying, particularly of women) will result in their being trampled by those same elephants. By the time the matter reaches the full council for approval, it will have been reduced to a set of anodyne recommendations about things like training and induction. At some stage, the original report may be quietly published, or maybe its publication will be quietly forgotten about – the latter being preferable, in case the media picks up on the little in it that hints at something serious. That bureaucratic series of card tricks works, as long as the audience doesn’t know how the tricks are done. Problems for the ruling clique are that this website explains how they’re done, and it has an increasing readership among those interested in the City council. Another problem is that in this case a journalist got access to the report and published all the newsworthy bits which the clique wanted to filter out, and which are pointers to the much bigger reality that is documented in many posts on this website.

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Councillor Ann Holmes humiliated on International Women’s Day in Masonic Influenced City of London Council 

When Councillor Ann Holmes recently put a motion to the full City of London council, Chris Hayward, the Chair of Policy (= leader of the council), and his ruling clique opposed it. They were comfortable with another councillor weaponising procedure to reject her motion without debate. Some members of the council remarked after the meeting how awful it looked for a bunch of members who were all masons to humiliate a prominent woman in such a public way on International Women’s Day. While those optics would have been important to a normal politician, Hayward and his clique care little for external opinion, and as masons that would be intuitive. Women aren’t eligible to join them, so who cares what they think? Ian Thomas, the Town Clerk, also came out of this matter badly for not knowing procedure for and serving the clique rather than all the members.

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Martha Grekos Exposes Nick Lyons, Most Other City of London “Aldermen” & City Solicitor Michael Cogher For Flouting Democratic Principles

The repercussions of the scandal of Nick Lyons overstaying in office as an “alderman” of the City of London council continue to be felt. Most of the other alders (a term that is increasingly used and we prefer) recently attempted to validate his conduct retrospectively by approving “conventions” selectively consolidated by the City Solicitor, Michael Cogher. Those conventions included an addition that Cogher had invented to allow an alder to extend their six year term of office by up to six months as long as the other alders (but not the voters) agreed. This flouting of democracy was exposed by Alder Martha Grekos, supported by residential Alders Sue Pearson and Christopher Makin.

Read more "Martha Grekos Exposes Nick Lyons, Most Other City of London “Aldermen” & City Solicitor Michael Cogher For Flouting Democratic Principles"

On The 30 November 2023 Portsoken Aldermanic Election Candidates Nazifa Chowdhury & Prem Goyal

The current Portsoken aldermanic election offers a clear choice between a candidate who will promote the interests of local residents and SMEs and make the City a better place for everyone (Chowdhury), and one looking to advance his own career by siding with the City of London council leadership against the interests of local residents and SMEs (Goyal). Who to vote for is a no brainer!

Read more "On The 30 November 2023 Portsoken Aldermanic Election Candidates Nazifa Chowdhury & Prem Goyal"

Nick Lyons, Lord Mayor Of The City Of London, Overstays His Term In Office

Nick Lyons has stayed in office as an alderman and Lord Mayor for two months after his term of office as an alderman expired in September 2023. He apparently hoped that no-one would notice, or – if they did – would not say anything about this rule bending, given the cultish deference that many City elected members display towards those in “high” office. That hope may have been fulfilled had not Alderwoman Martha Grekos called out his casual disrespect for the rule of law.

Read more "Nick Lyons, Lord Mayor Of The City Of London, Overstays His Term In Office"