Historic England Eviscerate City Of London Draft Local Plan

In recent days a leaked copy of a consultation response by Historic England to the City of London local plan has been circulating among interested parties. The distribution of this document has resulted in headlines such as Tower of London Heritage Status Faces ‘Real Threat’ (BBC), Tower Of London ‘Could Lose UNESCO World Heritage Status’ Over Council’s Skyscraper Plan (My London News) and Tower Of London’s Heritage Status Under Threat From City’s Tall Buildings Plan – Historic England Watchdog Believes Wider Heritage Impacts Make City Plan 2040 ‘Unsound In Its Current Form’ (Telegraph). After a few comments on what drives City planning policy, we reproduce the Historic England letter already extensively quoted from in press coverage, since it is of considerable public interest.

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Sue Pearson Retires As Cripplegate Alder & Endorses Liz King To Succeed Her

Sue Pearson will stand down as the alder of Cripplegate ward in the City of London in early July 2024 due to reaching the mandatory retirement age. She is endorsing her friend and colleague, councillor Liz King, to succeed her. In this piece we pay tribute to what Sue has achieved in her seven years on the City council.

Read more "Sue Pearson Retires As Cripplegate Alder & Endorses Liz King To Succeed Her"

Masonic City of London Council Tries To Whitewash Its Members’ Behaviour

Anyone familiar with the workings of the City of London council will recognise that an “independent” review of its members’ behaviour is following a familiar trajectory. A serious issue is first addressed in a “light touch” review by a friendly reviewer, who produces an inadequate report that downplays the seriousness of the issue. The reviewer has, though, not downplayed it quite enough for the ruling clique, who are the source of the issue, so mention in the report of masonic influence and a few negative comments need to be filtered out through a series of meetings by members who know that drawing attention to the twin elephants in the room (masonic influence and bullying, particularly of women) will result in their being trampled by those same elephants. By the time the matter reaches the full council for approval, it will have been reduced to a set of anodyne recommendations about things like training and induction. At some stage, the original report may be quietly published, or maybe its publication will be quietly forgotten about – the latter being preferable, in case the media picks up on the little in it that hints at something serious. That bureaucratic series of card tricks works, as long as the audience doesn’t know how the tricks are done. Problems for the ruling clique are that this website explains how they’re done, and it has an increasing readership among those interested in the City council. Another problem is that in this case a journalist got access to the report and published all the newsworthy bits which the clique wanted to filter out, and which are pointers to the much bigger reality that is documented in many posts on this website.

Read more "Masonic City of London Council Tries To Whitewash Its Members’ Behaviour"

Councillor Ann Holmes humiliated on International Women’s Day in Masonic Influenced City of London Council 

When Councillor Ann Holmes recently put a motion to the full City of London council, Chris Hayward, the Chair of Policy (= leader of the council), and his ruling clique opposed it. They were comfortable with another councillor weaponising procedure to reject her motion without debate. Some members of the council remarked after the meeting how awful it looked for a bunch of members who were all masons to humiliate a prominent woman in such a public way on International Women’s Day. While those optics would have been important to a normal politician, Hayward and his clique care little for external opinion, and as masons that would be intuitive. Women aren’t eligible to join them, so who cares what they think? Ian Thomas, the Town Clerk, also came out of this matter badly for not knowing procedure for and serving the clique rather than all the members.

Read more "Councillor Ann Holmes humiliated on International Women’s Day in Masonic Influenced City of London Council "

City of London Chief Planning Officer Gwyn Richards Exposed As A Political Poodle

Following our disclosure that the Chief Planning Officer of the City of London council, Gwyn Richards, approved a new application for the redevelopment of 81 Newgate Street, the former BT headquarters which is now to be the headquarters of HSBC, in only 11 weeks over the summer holiday season last year and without bringing the application to the planning committee, and following our quoting the Chair of Policy (= leader of the council), Chris Hayward, telling City planning officers to “make it [the planning process] work for” developers, Alder Sue Pearson raised both matters in a question to Richards in a recent meeting of the Planning Committee. His response exposes him as a poodle of the City council’s political establishment, which in turn is a poodle of property developers. In no other local authority would such brazen promotion of private interests to public detriment be tolerated. A showdown is looming between the establishment and City residents over the London Wall West office development, which Richards is certain to recommend for approval, as he always does.

Read more "City of London Chief Planning Officer Gwyn Richards Exposed As A Political Poodle"

Corporation’s Support For Ukraine Meaningless When Maritime Insurance Companies Within Its Local Authority Boundaries Underwrite Russian Oil Dark Fleet

Many readers of this blog will recall that on 10 March 2022 the City of London council passed a special motion in support of Ukraine. Our local authority also lit up its HQ, the Guildhall, in the colours of the Ukrainian flag as a PR stunt. A report in the New Statesman last weekend underlines that over the past two years the City has not moved on from easy PR gestures to meaningful support for Ukraine, which would entail exerting its influence in the financial city.

Read more "Corporation’s Support For Ukraine Meaningless When Maritime Insurance Companies Within Its Local Authority Boundaries Underwrite Russian Oil Dark Fleet"

Twin Cities MP Nickie Aiken Picks Up Freedom Of The City Of London Award From Fellow Appeasers Of The Authoritarian Chinese Government

We have previously posted about how the Freedom of the City of London should be treated as a badge of shame rather than one of honour. The latest recipient of this ‘award’ is local Conservative MP Nickie Aiken – who as we reported back in 2021 is as keen to appease China’s repressive rulers as current lord mayor Michael Mainelli and current leader of the City of London council Chris Hayward, who posed for pictures with Aiken as she received their dubious ‘honour’.

Read more "Twin Cities MP Nickie Aiken Picks Up Freedom Of The City Of London Award From Fellow Appeasers Of The Authoritarian Chinese Government"

City Of London Council Leadership Pushes Ahead With Plans To Demolish The Museum Of London & Bastion House

Yesterday we received a copy of an email about London Wall West sent by Chris Hayward, the policy chair (=leader of the council) of the City of London Corporation. Essentially what the email says is that the local council making money for itself and the developer to which it sells the London Wall West site takes precedence over the interests of City residents and the environment. It is difficult to interpret allowing the market to ‘optimize use of the buildings and determine the occupancy mix’ as meaning anything other than that the Museum of London building and Bastion House should be demolished and replaced by very tall office blocks to maximise financial returns on the site.

Read more "City Of London Council Leadership Pushes Ahead With Plans To Demolish The Museum Of London & Bastion House"

“Independent Persons” Rule It Is Acceptable For City Of London Councillors Like Ruby Sayed To Tell Lies

If the City of London council does nothing about the latest decision by its “independent persons” to dismiss a complaint against an establishment councillor – in this case because they ruled that it was not a breach of the code of conduct for the councillor to tell a lie to the whole council in a formal meeting about a serious matter – the case for the council being morally corrupt is indisputable, and government intervention is urgently required.

Read more "“Independent Persons” Rule It Is Acceptable For City Of London Councillors Like Ruby Sayed To Tell Lies"