Twin Cities MP Nickie Aiken Picks Up Freedom Of The City Of London Award From Fellow Appeasers Of The Authoritarian Chinese Government

We have previously posted about how the Freedom of the City of London should be treated as a badge of shame rather than one of honour. The latest recipient of this ‘award’ is local Conservative MP Nickie Aiken – who as we reported back in 2021 is as keen to appease China’s repressive rulers as current lord mayor Michael Mainelli and current leader of the City of London council Chris Hayward (our most comprehensive coverage of his weaselly position on the Chinese government dates from when he was deputy chair of policy = deputy leader), who posed for pictures with Aiken as she received their dubious ‘honour’.

The City of London lie machine issued a press release on 20 December 2023 about Aiken receiving a Freedom award – but that doesn’t seem to have generated much media interest. In this PR puff, lord mayor Michael Mainelli is quoted as saying: “Nickie is to be commended for her sterling work on child safety, women and equality…” Contra Mainelli, when it comes to equality Aiken’s ‘work’ is considerably less than sterling on a number of fronts. For example and as noted via the link above, she prefers appeasement to speaking out about Uyghurs and Tibetans being subject to racial profiling, oppression and genocide, at the hands of the Chinese government.

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